From Hyères to Porquerolles

From city to island

City and nature in harmony

A town of art and history set in a natural environment, Hyères is the departure point for the famous islands of Porquerolles, Port-Cros and Le Levant. Explore the city and the islands by their unmissable sites, immersing yourself in small paradises on land and sea, overlooking the Mediterranean open sea. In the narrow streets of Hyères, on the trails of Giens and Port-Cros, on the picture-postcard beaches of Porquerolles and Le Levant, you’ll enjoy an exotic journey under an azure blue sky.

Frequently asked questions

Is Villa Carmignac open all year round?

Villa Carmignac is open from late April to early November, every day except Monday.

What underwater species can you see on a dive at Port-Cros?

Rainbow wrasse, saupe, little sar, chapon, moray eel, octopus… Nearly a hundred species inhabit the depths of the national park.

Is the whole of Ile du Levant naturist?

The island’s distinctive feature is that 90% of it is occupied by a military zone, with the remainder devoted to the Heliopolis naturist domain, the only part open to the public.

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